Joanna In Bloom

I love when women flourish in their femininity. When we get to be who we are designed to be, at the very least thats my experience, we bloom.

We are mothers (if we have children or not), we are nurturers, we are social beings and we are highly creative and innovative.

Lets celebrate that!

Mothers Portrait & Family Portrait

Jenny booked a personal empowerment portrait shoot with a family portrait followup. That allowed to get the most out of her booked session (the price stays the same no matter how many people you invite). We invited a hair and make-up artist and Jenny brought a selection of her favourite dresses. She also made use of the wardrobe I provided. After a relaxed hour of preparing, chatting and envisioning while we all nibbled on some snacks, we headed off outside into the beautiful nordic summer day that was buzzing with insects and birds. I guided her through the entire session - though Jenny’s natural movement were the basis for all ‘poses’.

After a bit over an hour the rest of her family joined and we walked up to ‘springvann stemmen’ to dance, giggle and play in the sun.

An afternoon of relaxed play and interaction produced a series of portraits that captures this familie’s grace and love.

Years later, these children are fast approaching adulthood. These portraits have become memories for life and a legacy to cherish.

Summer Family Portrait


Sommeren er en tid hvor mange av oss kan slappe av og nyte familien. Her i nord, der kontrasten mellom vinter og sommer er stor, passer folk på å bruke tiden klokt.

Her i Lillesand er den vanligvis rolige byen plutselig full av liv. Det er god grunn til at denne delen av landet kalles Norges Riviera. Det maritime livet er på sitt høydepunkt, og restaurantene og butikkene er fulle av glade familier. Mange av dem kommer fra Oslo.

Nå er det høysesong for familieportretter. Ofte møtes familier som er spredt over hele landet her for gjenforeninger og benytter anledningen til å skape en familieportrettarv.

For et syn å se besteforeldre, barn og ektefeller, og barnebarna samles. Noen ganger kaotisk, men alltid fullt av glede og spenning.

Vi drar ut for å finne en plass ved havet, der barna kan løpe rundt, og vi kan få noen dynamiske og autentiske samspill som forteller historien til hver familie.

Resultatet er alltid rørende og unikt.


Summer is a time where many of us can relax and enjoy family. Here in the north, where the contrast of winter and summer is high, people make sure it is spent wisely.

Here in Lillesand the usually quiet town suddenly bustles with life. There’s good reason why this part of the country is called the Norway’s riviera. Maritime life is at its peak and the restaurants and shops are full of happy families. Many of them come from Oslo.

Now is high season for family portraits. Often families that are dispersed all over the country meet here for reunions and take the opportunity to create a family portrait legacy.

What a sight to see grandparents, children and their spouses and the grandchildren gather. Sometimes chaotic, but always full of joy and excitement.

We head out to find a spot by the ocean, where the kids can run around and we can get some dynamic and authentic interactions that tell the story of each family.

The result is always touching and unique.

I didn't recognise myself in my everyday life.



Ich hatte das Gefühl mich selbst teilweise verloren zu haben und erkannte mich in meinem Alltag nicht wieder. Ich brauchte die Perspektive von aussen. Ich hatte das Bedürfnis meine starken und selbstbewussten Seiten zu erleben deren ich mir sicher war irgendwo in mir zu haben. Dies wollte ich in Bildern festhalten die mich daran erinnern sollten, dass ich vielseitig und kontrastreich bin.

Ich befasste mich bereits vor dem Shooting damit, mit welchem inneren Anteil ich mich verbinden wollte und liess mich von verschiedenen Portraits online inspirieren.

Das Shooting selbst war ein emotionales Erlebnis. Ich hatte das Gefühl endlich andere Seiten von mir zu zeigen und die dominierenden Anteile vom Alltag loszulassen.

Anne ermöglichte es mir diesen Schritt zu wagen und kreierte eine Umgebung in der ich die Sicherheit fand, mich fallen zu lassen. Das Shooting war sehr harmonisch und wir brauchten selten bis zu gar keine Wörter, um die Bilder zu machen. 

Als ich die fertigen Bilder letztendlich sah, kamen verschiedene Gefühle hoch. Einerseits die Bewunderung für mich selbst, was für eine Stärke ich auf manchen Bildern ausstrahlte und andererseits die Trauer, wie sehr ich mich verloren hatte. Eine wunderschöne und heilsame Erfahrung.


I felt I had partially lost myself and the sense of who I was. I didn't recognise myself in my everyday life anymore. I needed an external perspective. I had the desire to experience my strong and confident sides I knew I had in me and capture it in images that would remind me that there is much more to me than just this one dominant person within me for a long time.

Before the portrait session, I was contemplating which inner aspect I wanted to connect with and found inspiration from various portraits online.

The shoot itself was an emotional experience. I felt like I was finally showing different sides of myself and letting go of the dominating aspects of everyday life.

Anne enabled me to take this step and created an environment in which I found the security to let go. The shoot was very harmonious, and we rarely needed words or none at all to create the images.

When I finally saw the finished pictures, various emotions surfaced. On one hand, admiration for myself and the strength I radiated in some of the images, and on the other hand, a sense of sadness for how much I had lost myself. It was a beautiful and healing experience.

“I forgot time and space…”



Sola Skinte den dagen Syrinene fylte området med en vidunderlig duft. Jeg ventet besøk. Annie kom med himmelen og sola kjørenes i en liten skjønn bil på tunet mitt. Hun er Fotograf og hun har en ting hun leter etter, det er lyset og få foreviget livets øyeblikks.

I forkant hadde hun sett på min nettside og Instagram. Hun fant likesom ikke tråden helt. Hvor er du Snefrid? Jeg vil att du skal skinne. Kan jeg fotografere deg? Selvfølgelig jeg hadde lyst på en dag hvor vi sammen kunne lete etter lyset og klærne hang på rekke og rad i brudesalongen. Vi startet i male studioet. Der ble jeg avslappet med en gang når jeg fikk malerkosten i hånden. Så bar det ut i hagen. Jeg glemte til og sted fordi jeg fikk lukte på syrinene og gjemme meg i duften. Hjertet hoppet litt ekstra  - dette var så gøy.

Etter på var det Kinesisk te-seremoni i gruva. Lukten av Sjasmin fulgte rommet. Jeg elsker og løpe rundt i skogen og plukke blomster og urter. Det er jo ikke vanskelig  å bli fotografert når en er i sitt rette element. Neste skift ble drakt og litt smak av bestefar Linge og skapet i fra Ånnerud i bakgrunnen. Det er jo en viktig del det og kunne ta på seg noe sort, det liker jeg.

Til slutt ble det bilde av mormor og beste far fra 1927 i bakgrunnen. Jeg elsker disse to - mormor den kreative kokken og kunsteren. Hun har formet meg og hun elsket meg. Her sitter jeg med en kjole jeg har designet. Alt føles så bra for en dag.

Milioner takk Annie, dette blir ett minne for livet. 

P.S. Min elskede mann gleder seg til og få bilder på telefonen, den perfekte gaven. Dette gir varig glede.

For en dag.


The sun was shining that day when the lilacs filled the area with a wonderful scent. I was expecting a visitor. Annie arrived with the sky, and the sun drove up in a beautiful little car in my yard. She is a photographer, and she has one thing she's searching for, it's the light and capturing life's moments.

Prior to that, she had looked at my website and Instagram. She didn't quite find the connection. Where are you, Snefrid? I want you to shine. Can I photograph you? Of course, I wanted a day where we could search for light together, and the clothes were hanging in rows in the bridal salon. We started in the painting studio. I immediately relaxed when I had the paintbrush in my hand. Then we went out into the garden. I forgot time and space because I got to smell the lilacs and hide in the scent. My heart skipped a beat - this was so much fun.

Afterwards, there was a Chinese tea ceremony in the mine. The scent of jasmine filled the room. I love running around in the forest and picking flowers and herbs. It's not difficult to be photographed when you're in your element.

The next change was a suit and a taste of Grandfather Linge and the closet from Ånnerud in the background. It's an important part to be able to put on something black, I like that.

Finally, there was a picture of Grandma and Grandfather from 1927 in the background. I love these two - Grandma, the creative cook and artist. She shaped me and loved me. Here I am, sitting in a dress I designed. Everything feels so good for a day.

Million thanks, Annie, this will be a lifelong memory.

P.S. My beloved husband is looking forward to receiving the pictures on his phone, the perfect gift. This brings us lasting joy.

What a day.