Anne Day is a portrait and branding photographer based in Norway.

She was first introduced to photography at age 15 through Beat Presser, a renown Swiss portrait and landscape photographer famous for his extensive body of work on actor Klaus Kinski.

After a 2 year apprenticeship with Presser, Annie moved to NYC at the age of 24 to assist various photographers in the fashion industry. 

From 2007 - 2009 Anne attended the School of Visual Arts (SVA)  where she studied photography.

In 2010/11 Anne worked at the renown photo agency Art Partner assisting in large fashion photo productions while continuously building her own portfolio through collaborations with NY model agencies. 

After returning to Switzerland with her 3 year old daughter, Anne started shooting branding and portrait assignments for various musicians, artist, and companies .

In 2018 Anne moved to Norway where she opened her own portrait studio continuing her branding work for various companies and magazines

Anne is hired predominantly by clients who recognise her exceptional eye for beauty and authenticity and her calm and natural approach to portraying people and objects.

Anne Day in her portrait studio

Image by Stian Foss